Blog Post

Trust A Part to the rescue for an obsolete Baxi Brazilia part

This was a head-scratcher! Who wants a gas heater stuck ON FULL in the middle of summer?

Obsolete Baxi Brazilia part

A Gas Safe engineer had a customer with an old Baxi Brazilia Wall Mounted Balanced Flue Gas Heater.
The control knob had broken, and was stuck in the ON III position.


Baxi Brazilia Control Knob Broken

He asked around and was advised by another engineer to try Trust A Part ‘if they haven’t got one, no-one has’

First we had to identify the appliance without a model name or GC number.

Fortunately we have encyclopedic knowledge of older Baxi appliances, including some original brochures and manufacturer’s instructions.

Baxi Gas Fire Brochure

Baxi Gas Fire Brochure

Baxi Brazilia Brochure

Baxi Brazilia Brochure

Then we had to find the part number for the original Baxi control knob. No surprise – it is discontinued.

But we knew many Baxi spares are still available under an alternative manufacturer’s part number and hey presto!

Baxi Brazilia Control Knob New

Baxi Brazilia Control Knob New

All resulting in a happy customer, happy engineer and satisfying day at the office.